Antikvity Praha’s sale of Dec 3rd includes many fine edged weapons and early guns. Carrying the highest estimate (10,000-15,000 euro) is a museum quality Ottoman sabre inscribed with the owner’s name, Al-Hajj Ibrahim. The types of swords were made as presentations arms and diplomatic gifts. Also offered is a Russian presentation sabre in niello silver mounts hallmarked for 1897. A third impressive sword in the sale is an Austrian pallasch C 1763 for a Chevauleger officer. The sale includes a range of other edged weapons, a silver mounted yataghan among them, as well as several hunting swords.
A desirable American gun to be sold is the rare first model Porter percussion turret rifle made in New York. A Winchester model 1876 in . 45-60 is also offered. Other American guns include a Merwin and Hulbert .44 revolver and a Springfield armory 1873 trapdoor saddle ring carbine. Early European guns in the catalog include a flintlock pistol by joseph Hammerl in Vienna C. 1730 and a cased pare of double barreled pistols by Antione Dumarest C1820. European revolvers include scarce models by Picault-Cordier, Perrin and Le Page Moutier. Several cased pairs of pistols are included in the catalog as well as a takedown rifle with a “poachers pistol”
Other lots in the sale include a rare vampire killing kit, an early burgonet, a yari spear, a book with secreted 10mm pistol and two attractive painted shooting targets. Click on the image for a link to the sale.
A desirable American gun to be sold is the rare first model Porter percussion turret rifle made in New York. A Winchester model 1876 in . 45-60 is also offered. Other American guns include a Merwin and Hulbert .44 revolver and a Springfield armory 1873 trapdoor saddle ring carbine. Early European guns in the catalog include a flintlock pistol by joseph Hammerl in Vienna C. 1730 and a cased pare of double barreled pistols by Antione Dumarest C1820. European revolvers include scarce models by Picault-Cordier, Perrin and Le Page Moutier. Several cased pairs of pistols are included in the catalog as well as a takedown rifle with a “poachers pistol”
Other lots in the sale include a rare vampire killing kit, an early burgonet, a yari spear, a book with secreted 10mm pistol and two attractive painted shooting targets. Click on the image for a link to the sale.

Probus Auction, based in Stockholm, are holding a sale of arms armour and militaria on Nov 14th. The sale includes a wide range of lot reflecting diverse historical and cultural contexts. Among the early Swedish swords offered is the fine chiseled example with a characteristically Scandinavian hilt pictured. Other edged weapons include a fine Papenheim hilted rapier, and important Swedish cavalry generals sword C. 1710 carried by Alexander Magnus Hummerhielm, Russian Shaskas, several Kindjals, a fine Tulwar, Piha-Ketta, parangs and Japanese swords.
Among the guns in the sale is a selection on US percussion revolvers and a Volcanic pistol. Alos offered is a rare Cochran Turret revolver. Early European guns include a wheellock dated 1598, several early and fine pairs of flintlock pistols a chiseled Austrian brace among them. The highest estimate (75,000 SEK) is carried by a pair of well published Swedish pistols by Utterberg, C 1730. The sale also includes a good Saxon cartidge box C. 1580, a rare French 17th C powder flaks as well as orders decorations and uniforms. Click on the image for a link to the catalog.
Among the guns in the sale is a selection on US percussion revolvers and a Volcanic pistol. Alos offered is a rare Cochran Turret revolver. Early European guns include a wheellock dated 1598, several early and fine pairs of flintlock pistols a chiseled Austrian brace among them. The highest estimate (75,000 SEK) is carried by a pair of well published Swedish pistols by Utterberg, C 1730. The sale also includes a good Saxon cartidge box C. 1580, a rare French 17th C powder flaks as well as orders decorations and uniforms. Click on the image for a link to the catalog.