Described as “virtual superstar ..amongst an elite category of antique firearms “ is the pictured Colt Dragoon revolver engraved by G Young. It carries the highest estimate in Rock Island’s sale of May 3rd of 1.2 to 2 million dollars. Also known as the Milikin Colt, the gun was owned by Colonel John Minor Milikin of the 1st Ohio Volunteer cavalry and is a gem among desirable firearms.
Other dramatic lots in the sale include an M47 Patton main battle tank, a Holland and Holland express double rifle, A Colt Model 1883 Navy Gatling gun, one of two offered, and a rare Colt AR15 prototype. There are 2084 lots in the sale in all price ranges and all areas of gun and military collecting interest.
Other dramatic lots in the sale include an M47 Patton main battle tank, a Holland and Holland express double rifle, A Colt Model 1883 Navy Gatling gun, one of two offered, and a rare Colt AR15 prototype. There are 2084 lots in the sale in all price ranges and all areas of gun and military collecting interest.

An Ottoman coral and turquoise set kilij is one of the sumptuous lots offered in Sotheby’s Islamic arts sale on May 1st. Topping the arms and armour lots in this sale is an 18th C Ivory and mother of pearl stocked miquelet rifle, one of a small group of guns thought to have been used by the Ottoman imperial guard. It carries and estimate of 35000stg -45000stg. An example is in the Metropolitan Museum of Art collection.
Other lots in the sale include Mughal jade hilted khanjar daggers, a silver mounted saif, a French or Russian turquoise set kilij and a superb jeweled Sri Lankan Kastana. Click on the image for a link to the sale.
Other lots in the sale include Mughal jade hilted khanjar daggers, a silver mounted saif, a French or Russian turquoise set kilij and a superb jeweled Sri Lankan Kastana. Click on the image for a link to the sale.